The things I'll try for a different shot. Part 1.

I was out looking for some shots after a snow storm a few years ago and went to one of the local sledding hills I had stored in the feature bank in my head. Kids sledding is always a crowd favorite, but it tends to be shot quite often. I always try and do something a little different. It may be getting down low to the ground for a crazy angle or as in this case riding a sled down the hill, next to the little girl and shooting at a slower shutter speed, to get some motion blur, but keep her in focus. Hey, with my catlike reflexes, I don't need to hold onto the sled.
So just because you have to shoot the same subject does not mean you have to shoot it the same way. Look for something different.
P.S. Thanks to the photographer who sent along this image. I don't remember his name, but it is pretty funny when people take pictures of us taking pictures.
Part 2 coming soon.