Another Good TV Show Gets The Ax.

I usually try and keep this blog about photojournalism. I am going slightly off on a different path with this post about a great TV show that is being canceled. That show is Journeyman. Hey, at least the lead character is a newspaper reporter and his dad was a photojournalist.
The show is about a reporter named Dan Vasser, who suddenly starts traveling back in time to fix things in other people's lives. It is kind of like an updated Quantum Leap, except he travels back and forth from his own time period throughout the show. That twist makes it even more interesting because he has to explain where he has been or at least make excuses.
Another interesting twist is that he finds out that his old girlfriend, who he thought died in a plane crash, is also a time traveler and usually shows up to help him. She would be the girl on the left of the photograph above. The woman on his right is his wife.
I had to laugh during last Monday night's show. The publisher at the paper Dan works for was laying off 25% of the newsroom, including Dan. He just happened to go back in time and get some dirt on the publisher and save the people at his paper from getting the ax, himself included.
This is another case of network TV not giving a show enough time to develop an audience. Those who do start watching the show and like it get the rug pulled out from under them, just when they start to get attached. Now there are many other things out there that deserve our attention, but it is nice to be able to escape the realities of life every now and then and watch a good show.
If you have seen the show and liked it please sign the petition here. You can also check out for other ideas. Sorry for the off-topic post and thanks for reading.