Festival Photographer

Well, it has been a while since I have posted to the blog. I mostly post to my Facebook page now and will link to that later. Here is something I made yesterday after watching a clip of the movie War Photographer, featuring James Nachtwey. While I hope my video does not belittle what Mr. Nachtwey does, I hope to make light of what I regularly shoot at The Capital, that is shoot festivals.

We shoot many festivals at The Capital each year. Spring festivals, summer festivals, fall festivals, Irish festivals, Kunta Kinte festivals, oyster festivals, Oktoberfests, well you get the point. We shoot these year after year, and many are on the same street. It makes it tough to find new angles to shoot. Our chief photographer tries to put a positive light on it by saying, "Hey, the people are different," and he is right. Well, most of the time - Anne Arundel County is not that big.

Anyway, enjoy.

Here is a link to Mr. Nachtwey's original clip. Click Here. Maybe if people would watch the real War Photographer, they would think twice about starting wars. It is a great movie, very heavy, but great. I have a link to buy it at Amazon.com to the lower right.


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